Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.Andre Gide
As I sit here at my laptop with a steaming cup of peppermint tea steeping beside me, only a few days remain in the year 2011. It has been a beautiful year.
I started this blog on January 1st of this year. I had no idea how much it would change my life the lessons I would share and explore here, the amazing people I would connect with, the dreams that would take root in my heart and mind.
I didn't go into 2011 with any particular themes in mind, but as I look back and reflect upon the year, I can see that self-love was a major theme. Healing, too. Release. Life purpose discovery & alignment. Gratitude. All of these.
For me, 2012 will be a year of mental, emotional, physical & spiritual development, stepping out of comfort zones, and taking my message beyond the pages of this blog.
I'd like to share my goals with you today.
My Theme for 2012: Gentleness
I chose gentleness as my theme for 2012 because it has been one of my most challenging lessons. I've spent a lot of my lifetime being defensive, impatient, critical and gruff. Part of my journey now is learning how to express myself authentically and concisely, with gentleness. It doesn't always come easily for me, but I feel irresistibly drawn to it. Like it's the doorway to a deeper, more brilliant experience of being.
I intend on gentleness serving as my approach to all experiences, lessons, challenges and relationships. Consciously developing and refining myself in gentleness. Being an ambassador.
Goals & Upcoming Offerings
In 2011, my blog posts were somewhat sporadic. Sometimes I posted several times a week, and sometimes I didn't post anything for months. I've discovered that posting once a week is a pretty good speed for me, and my goal for 2012 is one post every Thursday (as well as every other Tuesday at Kind Over Matter and once a month at The Goddess Life).
I'll also go beyond blogging in 2012 with audio, video, online and in-person offerings:
- I'd like to make videos a regular part of Metta Drum.
- A guided meditation journey CD is currently in development.
- I have ideas for several e-books, which I'll be offering for free.
- A few e-courses are in the works.
- Workshops in Northern Virginia, DC & Maryland... perhaps some other places, too?
- Some surprises along the way...
2012 is going to be an awesome year.
A year of fulfillment. A year of healing. A year of freedom. A year of brilliance. I can only imagine the amazing people I will meet, and the lessons and victories that will be experienced. The new things I will learn and the new places I will go. The challenges. The joy. The love. All of these life-changing experiences waiting to be known in the coming seasons.
I am ready. Are you? What will you be creating in 2012? I'd love for you to share in the comments.
Thank you for being a part of this most wonderful, beautiful, awe-inspiring journey.
A handful of pine-seed will cover mountains with the green majesty of a forest. I too will set my face to the wind and throw my handful of seed on high.FIONA MACLEOD