Metta: A Pali word meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, benevolence, amity, friendship, good will, kindness, love, sympathy, close mental union (on same mental wavelength), and active interest in others.
And... it begins in You.
As you bring this loving-kindness forth in You, it becomes natural to radiate it outward into the world. This is the foundation of Metta Drum. I've created this space to share my insights on personal and spiritual development, healing, and our essential connection with each other. I am both a teacher and a student of these insights, and I hold this space sacred as a source of purpose and joy.
About Daniel Collinsworth

I have a PhD from the School of Hard Knocks. I spent most of my life resisting the lessons life was offering to me out of stubbornness and denial. As I entered my 30's, a series of awakenings led me to the understanding that my growth, healing and perception of life are my choice and my responsibility. I realized that I needed to change myself if I didn't want to keep repeating the same destructive, miserable patterns that had taken root in my life. I'd been looking for that change to come from others around me, and so it was a difficult awakening.
Now, I find freedom in my journey of self-mastery. My experiences and relationships are my teachers and I aim to be an ambassador of what I want to see and experience in this world. I'm living the power of self-love and self-kindness. I've chosen to use this blog to share my insights so that it might help you as you find your own way.
So, thanks for stopping by, I hope you'll come back from time to time. I'd love for you to think of me as a friend.