It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.Author Unknown
How often we look outside ourselves in search of a sense of completion... Believing we are too much of this, not enough of that. Believing the praise of another to be a critique of ourselves. Believing we are defined by our shortcomings.
What if we shifted our focus away from all that we aren't, and began an intimate walk alongside the One that we are?
Nurturing, developing, and loving ourselves — wholly, sacredly — cultivating the kind of confidence that only comes from realizing and embodying our own unique brand of brilliance?
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.Albert Einstein
You no longer have to make yourself small and civilized, in the hopes of seeming more palatable.
You no longer have to judge your weaknesses by the strengths of others.
You no longer have to embody every desire in your lover's mind.
You no longer have to have everything figured out.
You no longer have to walk in a straight line.
You no longer have to feel embarrassed about your weirdness.
You don't have to be everything to everyone... you don't even have to be everything to anyone. That isn't your mission.
You can make the choice, in this moment, to release yourself of that burden and accustom yourself to the unique light of You. The wild, untamed animal spirit of You. The strange, irrational, totally absurd and magnificent beauty of You.
Own it. Breathe deeply into it. Walk in it.
Choose confidence, even if it feels shaky at first. Confidence is a journey, and it is work. It is freedom and brilliance. This is yours.
And when you lean forward into it, you'll see that all those little things about yourself that you missed before, are actually pretty damn amazing. It's OK to like those little things, and even to love them. This is how you will shine like a radiant jewel.
So show me who you are. I promise that I will do the same. And we'll light up the Universe.