Act in a way that assumes + activates bigness in everybody around you. Including yourself.
Own: Acknowledge, admit, allow, avow, come clean, concede, confess, declare, disclose, grant, own up, recognize, tell the truth.
There's this myth in our consciousness that the closer we stay to the baseline of "normal", the better off we are.
When I was a young boy, I remember my teachers asking me wearily, "Why do you have to do everything differently from everyone else?"
In my early 20's, my work supervisors and co-workers implored me to "stop bucking the system" and "stop trying to change the way we do things".
The thing is, I never set out to do things differently or buck the system — I only did what made sense to me. I've been hardwired since birth, it seems, to embody a perspective of the world that is challenging, questioning, and perhaps a bit weird.
Sound familiar?
I tried to be "normal". I gathered myself up and pulled myself in. I made myself small, I dulled my colors and I tempered my voice. Like most folks, I wanted to fit in. Ultimately, it was exhausting work — and looking back, I don't think I ever really succeeded, despite my best efforts. It just wasn't me. I wasn't telling the truth.
When I began the journey of unfolding into my fullness, I felt free. I stopped apologizing for who I am. I let my colors fly. I began the work of developing my voice through wisdom and insight, rather than tempering it out of shame. This is still my journey — it is a continuous process of unfolding.
Owning your magnificence isn't about ego, conceit, vanity or arrogance. It's about recognizing yourself — that raw, beautiful spirit of You — and telling the truth of who you are. It's about leaving the excuses and smallness behind you — no longer giving them the power to keep you locked into status quo.
And as you empower yourself to own your magnificence, the world will notice. And it will be inspired to do the same. Why? Because deep down, we all want to tell the truth of who we are. We all want to be free.
When you acknowledge and honor your own magnificence, you'll naturally acknowledge and honor it in others. You'll interact with folks from a place of bigness and power. What a gift, to radiate a presence that empowers and liberates others!
Today, I challenge you to stop playing small. Stop blaming everyone around you for keeping you from flying. Stop giving away your power.
Be big. Let your heart come out to play. Fly your colors like a banner. Let your spirit shine — step into your fullness and your purpose.
Take responsibility for your experience of this life and act like the powerful Creator you are!