Your Openness is Your Gift

November 3, 2011 by Daniel Collinsworth

Don't worry about what people think of you.
Think about what people experience through you.
Bridget Pilloud
{ Intuitive Bridge }

Have you ever noticed how much energy we spend attempting to show the world a puffed up, idealized version of ourselves?

Certainly, we have good reasons for doing this. Fear of rejection. Fear of losing. Fear of showing vulnerability or weakness. We build up these gigantic thoughtforms in order to justify our fears.

What if we shifted our energy from unconsciously supporting these thoughtforms, to consciously examining the growth potential that our fears are indicating?

Think about the areas of your life where you find it difficult to be open and authentic.

Ask yourself what's at the root of these obstacles. Is it a fear of not being taken seriously? Is it a fear of not being loved? Figure out what's standing between you and your openness.

Then, look at what growth potentials these fears are pointing to. For example, if the fear of not being loved is keeping you from being authentic, think about the growth potential in loving yourself and forging relationships that truly support and nurture you.

Give your fear of openness a purpose – use it to propel you into the next phase of your evolution.

Consider allowing a rawness in how you present yourself to the world – let others see your unfinished edges. Let them see your truth. Allow a sense of confidence to grow in place of the discomfort that presents itself when you act with authenticity. Allow it to be beautiful.

Openness – the good, the bad and the ugly – shows others that it's OK to be imperfect. It's OK to be human, to have flaws and to not have it all figured out. It's OK to be different and genuine.

Yes, this also opens up the possibilities of rejection, of not appearing polished, of seeming weak. But when you begin doing the work that puts you in a space of growing from your fears, you'll see that these perceptions belong to the folks perceiving them – they don't have to take up residence in your experience of life.

Free yourself to explore this direction consciously and courageously. Your openness is a gift – give it out freely. See how healing it is, not only for yourself, but for others in the process.

As we let our light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
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